High blood pressure is the major contributor for the heart attacks and strokes in many cases and also for the kidneys problems too. To keep the blood pressure in control and to discard the other problems follow the best list of foods.
Chilli PepperCayenne present in the chilli peppers is good for minimizing the blood pressure though it doesn’t feel like that way. Doctors suggested that consuming a tablespoon of cayenne pepper powder that is mixed in water can foster the complete heart health and many.
Hibiscus teaHibiscus or Jamaica tea is one of the refreshing drinks for the high blood pressure. A study conducted on the people also gave results in a positive way: It lowers the high blood pressure.
To prepare the hibiscus tea, you need dried hibiscus flower petals. Few stores that are stored with health food products contain them or you can get them online easily.
PreparationTake a handful of hibiscus dried petals and pour them in a jar, add hot water to it and steep for around 20 to 30 minutes. That’s it, your hibiscus tea is ready. Before you going to drink, strain it and pour in a glass. You can preserve it by keeping in a refrigerator.
To prepare the hibiscus tea, you need dried hibiscus flower petals. Few stores that are stored with health food products contain them or you can get them online easily.
PreparationTake a handful of hibiscus dried petals and pour them in a jar, add hot water to it and steep for around 20 to 30 minutes. That’s it, your hibiscus tea is ready. Before you going to drink, strain it and pour in a glass. You can preserve it by keeping in a refrigerator.
RaisinsResearchers have proved that taking three servings of raisins in a day will help to reduce the blood pressure levels among the people who are having pre-hypertension. They have used the raisins among the processed food too.
KiwiA heart research association gave a report that, eating three kiwis in a day can lowers the blood pressure.
PotassiumWatermelon is having the capability to lower the blood pressure with its potassium and specific amino acids. As the like the watermelon, banana’s are also the good sources of potassium. It is suggested to consume the potassium nitrate encompassed food to lower the high blood pressure rather than working with the supplements that have potassium chloride.
Dark chocolatesChocolates are one of the good items to decrease the risk of blood pressure. Take a dark chocolate bar that is not having milk and with very little amount of sugar. Yes, researchers found that certain compounds present in cacao have the ability to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
Skim milkSkim milk or one percent milk will offer vitamin D and calcium: These two best nutrients helps to minimize the blood pressure by 3 to 10 percent. To the above addition, it reduces up to 15 percent of the cardiovascular diseases.
SpinachA leafy punch that is binded with the heart healthy nutrients such as folate, magnesium and potassium. These three nutrients are the keys to lower and to regulate blood pressure levels. It is a born low calorie food with rich fiber content. Eat the adequate amounts of spinach by adding them in salads and or to rotties.
Unsalted sunflower seedsTo get the good amount of magnesium, consume a handful of sunflower seeds. But keep a point that they are not salted, if it is salted it increases the sodium quantity which is truly need to avoid.
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